Now for the first time it’s all together in one neat capsule. Pop it and inhale deeply. Just like the days when old fashioned poppers came in ampoule form! Hey, that’s how ‘poppers’ got their name. Poppers have evolved since then, from a glass ampoule you break to relieve angina pectoris to glass screw-top bottles in a large variety of brands.

Poppers are now used for much more exciting purposes than relief of chest pain. Men and women, gays and straights nowadays use poppers to enhance orgasms and anal sex, for masturbation, for a trance-like state of dancing and for identity: poppers are sold as ‘room odorants’ or liquid aromas and are sometimes also used as such.

This is the ultimate poppers resource. The one we’ve all been dreaming of. The time has come! That’s what does the trick. But before you pop, you take your pick. Butyl nitrite, isobutyl nitrite, amyl nitrite. They are all in the alkyl nitrite family of compounds.

All the alkyl nitrites act on the body in nearly identical fashion, but isobutyl nitrite is the most potent of them all. Amyl nitrite is sometimes thought to be more potent, but it is actually less potent. It was chosen over isobutyl nitrite to treat heart ailments simply because it’s cheaper to manufacture.

They are clear yellowish liquids with a sweet smell when fresh. Some have described it as smelling like old gym socks, or like a men’s locker room, once a bottle begins to degrade. The different forms of the compound combine different molecules and structure. But with the nitrite attached it gets you where you want to be.

It’s all in the release of the nitrite ion.

And purity is the key.